"Blue Moon" in Warsaw

Tomorrow we will have a "Pink Full Moon", as the April full moon is usually called However, the name does not come from the pink color (it's a pity, looking at the promotional materials of "Eurasia"), but from flowers blooming at the beginning of spring. However, it won't be long before you will be able to see "Blue Moon" in Warsaw - twice! Alina Grigore's drama, inspired by her own experiences and awarded the Golden Shell at the San Sebastian Festival, tells the story of two sisters, Irina and Viki, who live in a Romanian village surrounded by mountains and work at a local hotel owned by their cousins. They both dream of leaving and changing their lives, breaking out of the reality where despotic men decide everything. Their future depends on the decisions of their cousins and father, who understand perfectly well what power - economic and psychological - they have over the girls. Irina's relationship with an older, married artist will unexpectedly strengthen her will to fight for her own freedom and independence. The film is a reflection on toxic, patriarchal masculinity manifested in the form of violence, both physical and psychological.

Movie will be shown in its original language with subtitles in Polish and English.

Show Dates:

April 17, 18:00 - Atlantic Cinema

April 23, 13:00 - Luna Cinema



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